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4 refs BTL_ChBtl#Grazing Flock BTL_ChBtl#Pest Control BTL_ChBtl#Think of the Soldiers BTL_ChBtl#Bewitching Dance
335 299 245 259 286 362 293 379 302 351 312 327 272 286 232 278 335 365 340 267 304 279 255 304 255 267
14 refs BTL_ChBtl#Darkening Skies BTL_ChBtl#Sacred Wood BTL_ChBtl#Temperantian Standoff BTL_ChBtl#Dread Contagion BTL_ChBtl#Panic at the Seaside BTL_ChBtl#Tiger! Tiger! IRL BTL_ChBtl#Torna's Finest BTL_ChBtl#Serious Showdown BTL_ChBtl#Call the Exterminators BTL_ChBtl#Attack of the Aspar BTL_ChBtl#This Year's Heropon BTL_ChBtl#Otherworldly Fighter BTL_ChBtl#Elma: Redux BTL_ChBtl#Poisoned Paradise
665 595 487 514 568 719 584 752 600 697 622 649 541 568 460 551 665 765 714 561 638 587 536 638 536 561